Research scientists
양현승, Hyun Seung Yang, MD & PhD

서울대학교 응용바이오공학과 겸임교수
서울신세계안과 원장 (안과 전문의)

  • MD (2007) in Medicine, Cha University
  • PhD (2025) in Applied Bioengineering, SNU
  • Research interests: Retinal diseases
Graduate students
이영섭, Youngseop Lee

MS/PhD program (since Fall 2020)
전문연구요원 (2023/9~)

  • Undergrad major: Biomedical Engineering (의공학)
  • Research interests: Super-resolution microscopy methods and their biological applications including cancer cell research
구동훈, Donghoon Koo

MS/PhD program (since Fall 2021)
전문연구요원 (2024/9~)

  • Undergrad major: Physics (물리학)
  • Research interests: Plasmonics & Metamaterials; Light-matter interaction
김민지, Minji Kim

MS/PhD program (since Spring 2023)

  • Undergrad major: Biotechnology (생명공학)
  • Research interests: Super-resolution microscopy; Infection mechanism of multidrug resistant bacteria
박윤희, Yoon Hee Park

PhD program (since Spring 2024)

  • Undergrad major: Biotechnology (생명공학)
  • Research interests: Bioimaging; Biophotonics
이민철, Minchol Lee

MS/PhD program (since Spring 2021)

  • Undergrad major: Physics (물리학)
  • Research interests: Structured illumination microscopy; Optical imaging and metrology; Multiplexed imaging for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy; Single cell analysis
정종훈, Jong-Hoon Jeong

PhD program (since Fall 2022)

  • Undergrad major: Astrophysics (천체물리학)
  • Research interests: Application of deep learning to bio/medical imaging and computer vision
김홍래, Hongrae Kim

MS/PhD program (since Spring 2023)

  • Undergrad major: Atmospheric science (대기과학), Mechanical engineering (기계공학)
  • Research interests: Optics; Bioimaging; Super-resolution
김태식, Taeshik Kim

Undergrad intern (since January 2025)

  • Undergrad major: Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineering (전자정보통신공학), Computer Science and Engineering (컴퓨터공학)
  • Research interests: Deep Learning
한의진, Uijin Han

Undergrad intern (since January 2025)

  • Undergrad major: Computer Science and Engineering
  • Research interests: Application of Computer Vision to Optical/Biological Image Analysis
 NameFormerPeriodCurrent Position 
권준우 (Joonwoo Kwon)MS studentMar 2021-Feb 2023Researcher, Seoul National University
이민철 (Minchol Lee)Undergrad intern (융합연구 프로그램)Winter 2020(前) 동국대학교 물리·반도체과학부
박정빈 (Jeongveen Park)Undergrad intern (융합연구 프로그램)Summer 2021(前) 서울대학교 생물교육학과
이연호 (Yeunho Yi)Undergrad intern (융합연구 프로그램)Jan 2021-Dec 2021Grad student, Dept. of Chemistry, Seoul Nat’l Univ
김솔 (Sol Kim)Undergrad intern (융합연구 프로그램)Summer 2022(前) 숙명여대 화공생명공학부
김민지 (Minji Kim)Undergrad intern (융합연구 프로그램)Jul 2022-Feb 2023(前) 가톨릭대학교 생명공학과
김홍래 (Hongrae Kim)Undergrad internJul 2022-Feb 2023(前) 연세대학교 대기과학과/기계공학부
박윤희 (Yoon Hee Park)Research internSep 2023-Feb 2024(前) Specialist, CJ제일제당
최원윤환 (Won Yoon Hwan Choi)Undergrad intern (융합연구 프로그램)Winter 2023(前) 건국대학교 융합생명공학과
양태원 (Tae Won Yang)Undergrad internWinter 2023(前) 동국대학교 산업시스템공학과
원채영 (Chaeyoung Won)Undergrad intern (융합연구 프로그램)Winter 2024(前) 홍익대학교 컴퓨터공학과
김민영 (Minyeong Kim)Undergrad internWinter 2024(前) 성균관대학교 글로벌융합학부 (데이터사이언스융합전공)
이수민 (Sumin Lee)Undergrad intern (융합연구 프로그램)Winter 2024(前) 경희대학교 유전생명공학과
이지현 (Jihyeon Lee)Undergrad internWinter 2024(前) 고려대학교 산업경영공학부
양현승 (Hyun Seung Yang)PhD studentSep 2021-Feb 2025Adjunct Professor, Seoul National University