Multi-functional optical imaging system (다기능성 광학 이미징 시스템) – 초고분해능 현미경
  • 장비 위치: 서울대학교 융합과학기술대학원(광교) D동 B106호
  • 담당자: 김정민 (, 031-888-9082)
  • 장비 사용료 안내
이미징 모드 (imaging modes)
  • 형광 현미경 (conventional fluorescence microscopy)
  • 전반사 형광 현미경 (TIRF fluorescence microscopy)
  • 단분자 국소화 현미경 (single molecule localization microscopy, SMLM)
사양 (specification)
  • Nikon’s Ti2-E platform with laser lines of 405/488/560/642 nm
  • Objectives: 100x/1.45 (oil), 100x/1.49 (oil, TIRF), 60x/1.27 (water), 20x/0.75
  • Camera: EMCCD (Andor’s iXon Ultra 888; 1024×1024 pixels)
  • Image acquisition: NIS-Elements AR or Home-built software
  • Achievable imaging resolution
    – dSTORM: ~25/50 nm (xy/z) with organic dyes (Alexa Fluor 647, CF568, etc.)
    – PALM: ~40/100 nm (xy/z) with photoconvertible fluorescent proteins
  • Laser diode system: 405 nm CW, 50 mW (OBIS 405 LX 50 mW, Coherent)
  • DPSS laser 405 nm CW, 250 mW (LSR405NL-250)
  • DPSS laser 405 nm CW, 500 mW (LSR405CPD-500)
  • DPSS laser: 488 nm CW, 200 mW (Sapphire 488-200 OEM, Coherent)
  • DPSS laser: 488 nm CW, 200 mW (Sapphire 488 HP, Coherent)
  • Fiber laser: 560 nm CW, 1.0 W (2RU-VFL-P-1000-560-B1R, MPB Communications)
  • Fiber laser: 642 nm CW, 1.0 W (2RU-VFL-P-1000-642-B1R, MPB Communications)
  • Fiber laser: 642 nm CW, 300 mW (VFL-P-300-642-OEM1-B1R, MPB Communications)
  • Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser: 680-1080 nm (tunable), 140 fs pulses at 80 MHz, GDD compensation (Chameleon Vision II, Coherent)
  • Superluminescent diode: 880 nm, SM fiber output (SLD880S-A25 + CLD1015, Thorlabs)

Ti:Sapphire fs laser (Chameleon Vision II)

High-end cameras
  • sCMOS camera (Andor’s Sona 4.2B-6, SONA-4BV6U): 2048×2048 pixels, 6.5 µm pixel size, >95% peak QE, 43 fps (12/16 bit; USB 3.0)
  • sCMOS camera (Photometrics’ Prime BSI express): 2048×2048 pixels, 6.5 µm pixel size, >95% peak QE, 43 fps @16 bit (or 95 fps @11 bit; USB 3.2)
  • sCMOS camera (pco.panda 4.2): 2048×2048 pixels, 6.5 µm pixel size, >80% peak QE, 40 fps (16 bit; USB 3.1 Gen 1)
  • sCMOS camera (pco.edge 4.2 bi): 2048×2048 pixels, 6.5 µm pixel size, >95% peak QE, 40 fps (16 bit; USB 3.1 Gen 1), air/water cooling (-25°C)
  • EMCCD camera (Andor’s iXon Ultra 888, DU-888U3-CS0-BV): 1024×1024 pixels, 13 µm pixel size, >95% peak QE, 26 fps (16 bit; USB 3.0)
  • CMOS camera (Basler’s a2A4504-18umBAS): 4504×4504 pixels, 2.74 µm pixel size, 66% peak QE, 18 fps @12 bit)
Optical modulators
  • AOTF (97-03151-01, G&H): CA 2.5 mm, 400-650 nm, 55-110 MHz
  • SLM (PLUTO-2-VIS-096, Holoeye Photonics AG): Reflective LCOS (phase only), 1920×1080 pixels, 8 µm pixel pitch, ~2π phase range (@650 nm; 8bit), 95~98% reflectivity (dielectric mirror coating, 450-650 nm)
  • Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal on Silicon (FLCoS) display (2K 0.94″ M180 R11, Kopin): reflective type, binary modulation (amplitude/phase), 2048×2048 pixels (0.94″), 8.2 µm pixel pitch, 55% reflectance, max 75 FPS
  • DMD (E4750RGBLC, EKB Technologies): 1920×1080 pixels (0.47″), 5.4 µm mirror pitch, 1.44 kHz rate (binary), visible (420-700 nm)
  • Deformable mirror (DMH40/M-P01, Thorlabs): 40 actuator array, Ø14.0 mm pupil diameter, protected sliver coating (0.45-20 µm), 4 kHz rate (USB2.0)
Precision actuators
  • PIFOC objective scanning system (PD72Z2CA0, Physik Instrumente): 250 µm travel, 1.5 nm resolution (closed loop)
  • PIFOC objective scanning systems (Physik Instrumente): 400 µm travel, closed loop control
  • PIFOC objective scanning systems (Physik Instrumente): __0 µm travel, closed loop control
Microscope objective lenses
  • 100x/1.45, oil immersion (Nikon CFI Plan Apo Lambda 100x oil)
  • 100x/1.45, oil immersion (Nikon CFI Plan Apo Lambda D 100x oil) – Qty: 2
  • 100x/1.49 TIRF, oil immersion (Nikon CFI SR HP Apo TIRF 100xc oil)
  • 100x/1.35, silicone oil immersion (Nikon CFI SR HP Plan Apo Lambda S 100xc sil)
  • 60x/1.27, water immersion (Nikon CFI SR Plan Apo IR 60xc WI)
  • 100x/1.4 (∞/0.17), Olympus UPLSAPO100XO
  • 50x/0.95 (∞/0), Olympus MPlanApo50x – Qty: 2
  • 20x/0.75 (∞/0.17), Nikon CFI Plan Apo Lambda
  • 20x/0.40 (∞/0), Olympus LMPlanFl
  • 100x/1.5 TIRF, oil immersion (Olympus UPLAPO100XOHR)
  • Calico AMS-AGY v1.1 (∞/0, f = 5 mm, NA 1.0)

High-end microscope objective lenses

Lab instruments
  • Hand-held refractometer (PAL-RI, Atago): refractive index from 1.3306 to 1.5284
  • Optical Microscopy Educational Kit (EDU-OMC1/M, Thorlabs)
  • Compact spectrometer (CCS200/M, Thorlabs): 200-1000 nm (wavelength range), <2 nm FWHM (@633 nm, spectral accuracy)
  • Digital oscilloscope (MSO5104, Rigol): 100 MHz BW, 4 CHs (Analog), 8 GSa/s, 2 CHs (Func. Gen.)
  • CO2 incubator (Heraeus BB15, Thermo Scientific): 150 L
  • Autoclave (VS-1321-60, Vision Science): 60 L capacity (∅300 mm × 630 mm), temp up to 130°C (2.4 kW heater), 95 kg weight 
  • Micro centrifuge (LZ-1730R, Labogene): max 17,000 rpm/27,237 × g, temp range -20~4o°C, fixed angle rotor (24 × 1.5/2.0 mL, GREB-M-m2.0-24)
  • Rocker (DH.WRK01010, DAIHAN Medical): 290 × 200 mm platform, RK-1D, 5-50 rpm speed range
  • Western blotting systems (Bio-Rad): 4-gel vertical electrophoresis system (#1658001), mini trans-blot module (#1703935), power supply (#1645050)